web hosting MariaDB
MariaDB is an open source and forever-free MySQL alternative that offers greater efficiency,
MariaDB is a branch of MySQL designed to be a drop-in replacement. It is entirely open source without any closed-source modules and works seamlessly out of the box.
Enhanced database performance, and support for various data types through multiple storage engines. Unlike some databases that lock certain features behind a paywall, MariaDB provides all its features to users for free. Additionally, MariaDB users have access to an open bugs database, which MySQL restricts to its enterprise-level, paying customers.Web Hosting Providers Offering MariaDB
This transparency allows users to see the status of any bugs, making it easier to resolve critical issues quickly. MariaDB is also known for its high performance, with major in the optimizer, thread pooling, faster replication, and group commit.

MariaDB web hosting History
MariaDB was created in 2009 as a fork of MySQL due to concerns about Oracle’s acquisition of MySQL. The goal was to maintain compatibility with MySQL while adding new features like the Aria, MyRocks, and ColumnStore storage engines.
The lead developer and CTO of MariaDB, Michael Widenius, who also founded MySQL, named the database after his second daughter.
He also launched Monty Program AB to support its development. In 2012, the MariaDB Foundation was established to prevent a similar acquisition as happened with MySQL.
MariaDB web hostingFeatures
MariaDB is loaded with features that have made it a popular database engine. Some of these features include:
- Licensed under BSD, LGPL, or GPL.
- Supports multiple storage engines, enabling compatibility with other Relational Database Management Systems.
- Uses a popular query language.
- Compatible with various operating systems and languages.
- Supports PHP.
- Offers several .
- and commands not available in MySQL.
Where to host MariaDB?
- 1uhost.com.
- A2 Hosting.
- ApisCP.
- Axcension.
- CloudHulk.
- Cloudways.
- Crown Hosting.
- dcensy.